Hungry For More Of Jesus
Hungry For More Of Jesus

Hungry For More Of Jesus


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“In recent years I have been preaching more and more about my blessed Saviour and praying much for a greater revelation of His grace and glory. Never in all my years of preaching have I been so hungry for more of Him. The Holy Spirit has not failed to satisfy that growing hunger, and now He has enabled me to share with the Body of Christ a single volume entirely about Jesus. “If you, too, hunger for more of Jesus, you will find some fragments here to feed your soul. I would expect that only those who have been recently awakened by the Holy Spirit to a new hunger and thirst for Christ and His holiness will take the time to read this book. You really have to be Hungry for More of Jesus to come to the table and eat. This is not for ‘fast food’ Christians in a hurry, but for those who are learning to wait upon the Lord for manna from heaven.” — DAVID WILKERSON David Wilkerson DAVID WILKERSON was founder of Teen Challenge and the subject of The Cross and the Switchblade. He conducted numerous international evangelistic crusades and wrote over thirty books, bringing conviction and encouragement to the church. In 1987 he founded Times Square Church in the heart of New York City, which has grown to have a congregation of about 10,000. Whilst pastoring the church, he spent the remaining years of his life leading pastors’ conferences around the world.


ISBN: 9781905044313
Producer: Rickfords Hill Publishing
Product Code: 555032
Dimensions: 111 x 178 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 01.08.2012

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