The Man God Uses
The Man God Uses

The Man God Uses


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This is an incredibly powerful book which gets to the heart of the Christian life. It contains both foundational teaching about victorious living but also very insightful instruction about authentic Christianity, and how one’s whole life can be used in effective service for God. Few other writers can speak as incisively as Oswald J. Smith; although written several generations ago, this is essential reading for our day. “You want God to use you? Well, then, are you willing to pay the price? Are you prepared to let everything else go and become a man of one thing? Will you devote your entire life to this one thing, to see to it that nothing else attracts you, that nothing else interests you, nothing else absorbs your attention? Are you prepared to concentrate, to give yourself wholly to God’s service, to become a man of one great purpose in life? If you are, God will use you for His glory and honour, and your evangelism will be successful.” — OSWALD J SMITH “His books have been used by the Holy Spirit to sear into the very depths of my own soul and have had a tremendous influence on my personal life and ministry.” — BILLY GRAHAM


ISBN: 9781905044467
Producer: Rickfords Hill Publishing
Product Code: 555081
Dimensions: 111 x 178 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 01.07.2015

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