Full Blessing Of Pentecost
Full Blessing Of Pentecost

Full Blessing Of Pentecost


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When Paul came to Ephesus, he found some disciples and asked them, Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed? They replied that they had not heard that there even was a Holy Spirit. Many Christians are in a similar position today: soundly saved and born again of the Holy Spirit, but not walking in the power of the Spirit. Andrew Murray says that the biggest lack in the church today and the single solution to all its problems is the real moving of the Spirit. Whilst so much time is wasted with men’s ideas and men’s methods, if we were simply to seek the power of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work, the whole Christian landscape would change. In an age when methodology is on the increase, Andrew Murray takes us back to basic biblical principles, showing us how to experience the Holy Spirit’s power, and why it is the one thing needful. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was born in South Africa where he served God as a pastor and evangelist. His devotional writing brought him world-wide renown and he became much in demand as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. Author of numerous books, his other titles include The True Vine, The Power of the Blood and Absolute Surrender.


ISBN: 9781905044238
Producer: Rickfords Hill Publishing
Product Code: 555112
Dimensions: 111 x 178 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 27.10.2010

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