“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
Our understanding of God impacts not merely our theology, but also the way in which we practice ethics and morality — our entire lives are based on the way we answer the core question: “Who is God?” Thus, it is paramount that we have a true and accurate understanding of God.
American pastor, author, and spiritual mentor, A. W. Tozer (1897-1963) believed that the vast majority of modern Christians have unwittingly adopted a “low” view of God, simultaneously gutting the Gospel of its true power, disfiguring our worship, and barring access to true spiritual power.
The solution? Recapturing a true understanding of the magnitude of God’s glory. In Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer offers real hope for Christians whose worship has become uninspired and lifeless, whose prayers feel like a monologue, and who feel devoid of spiritual power.
Written in the accessible “language of worship,” this timeless classic will open readers’ eyes to God’s… • Relentless faithfulness • Vast goodness • Fierce justice • Transformative mercy • Measureless love • Triumphant holiness • and more
At its very core, the sin of idolatry is a wrong belief about who God is and what He is like. This essential work is a clarion call out of idolatry and all its lies into the wild grandeur of God’s majestic glory.