Bishops and labourers, the blind and lame, men and women, elderly and teenagers, none was spared the cruel vengeance of Mary Tudor in her attempt to rid her realm of all who followed the Protestant faith. Across England and into Wales are memorials to some of the more than two hundred and eighty martyrs during Mary's brief reign. Their agony in the often slow-burning fires is a heart-rending testimony of firm faith and strong conviction. Here is the story of a few of those 'whose weakness was turned to strength who were tortured and refused to be released' and of whom 'the world was not worthy'.
Like each of the books in this unique series, 'Travel with The Martyrs of Mary Tudor' is both a carefully researched history and a valuable travel guide. With over 150 colour photographs, drawings and maps, it will guide the traveller to many of the key locations associated with the life and ministry of these great saints. A detailed time line and recommended further reading adds to the value of the book, and makes it equally useful for the 'armchair traveller'.