No Condemnation
No Condemnation

No Condemnation

A Theology of Assurance of Salvation (2nd ed.)


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This is a new, fully revised, edited and updated edition of Michael Eaton's magisterial study of the biblical, theological, and historical dimensions of assurance in the life of a Christian believer. He challenges both traditional Arminian and Calvinist views, in which salvation and good works are too tightly bound together, by drawing a clear distinction between salvation and reward. Eaton expounds a robust and radical grace-through which salvation overflows in assurance-based on a survey of select portions of the Old and New Testaments, and in dialogue with relevant writings by others. In particular, this edition includes a new section of three chapters in which Eaton responds to the writings of Tom Wright on covenant.


ISBN: 9781903689721
Producer: Piquant
Product Code: 807325
Dimensions: 152 x 21 x 229 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 424
Release Date: 29.08.2015

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