

An Anchor for the Soul

Hard Cover

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The book of Hebrews conveys a double dose of spiritual power: it not only presents the supremacy of Jesus Christ unlike any other New Testament book, but it also repeatedly demands a heart response from the reader. No one can study Hebrews and not grow spiritually as he or she comes face to face with God’s one and only Son. In this insightful commentary, readers will find a gold mine of helpful discussion related to a book of the Bible that is easily misunderstood and often overlooked. Written by a pastor with decades of ministry and preaching experience, this volume abounds with wise insights into the book of Hebrews. With divisions and outlines that are never forced but flow naturally from the Biblical text, this commentary will be a great resource for anyone studying or teaching the book of Hebrews.


ISBN: 9781433538421
Producer: Crossway
Product Code: 483354
Dimensions: 152 x 41 x 229 mm
Product type: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 544
Release Date: 31.05.2015

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