Grace Notes
Grace Notes

Grace Notes

366 Daily Inspirations From a Fellow Pilgrim


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“There is no writer in the evangelical world that I admire and appreciate more.” - Billy Graham Philip Yancey’s words—captured in his many bestselling books—have influenced the lives of millions of readers by strengthening their faith, building their hope, sparking their creativity, and challenging their comfort zones. If you’re one of those readers, you know personally how his insights have affected your mind and heart. And if you’re new to Yancey, you’re in for a life-altering experience. These meditations—all drawn from the beloved and bestselling writings of the author—will take you through an entire year of Yancey’s insight and imagination, covering a broad range of topics: • How to rediscover God through the wonders of nature, music, and romantic love • Why grace means you can’t do anything to make God love you more or less • What happens when you cut through preconceptions to encounter the “real” Jesus • How to renew your understanding and practice of prayer • Where you can see God in unexpected people and places • How to cope when life crashes in around you Every day, experience the best from a beloved author who, with freshness, clarity, and energy, has so brilliantly articulated God’s wonderful but mysterious relationship with you.


ISBN: 9780310345152
Producer: Zondervan
Product Code: 263021
Dimensions: 152 x 28 x 228 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 432
Release Date: 25.02.2016

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