C.S. Lewis The Story Teller
C.S. Lewis The Story Teller

C.S. Lewis The Story Teller

The Story Teller


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Adventures into another world, stories of mystery and wonder, these are what fascinated and excited Clive. He was just a boy but would sit for hours writing stories where animals came to life and lived and spoke just like human beings. This little boy grew up to become the world famous writer C. S. Lewis. However throughout his life he preferred to be called Jack. The reasons for this peculiar change of name and other interesting facts and stories about C. S. Lewis are retold in this book. It was written in the centenary year of his birth - this is a reprint. This book takes you into the life of C. S. Lewis, the child, the scholar, the husband, the writer and the believer in God. Derick Bingham has researched this book thoroughly and has lovingly retold the story of this great storyteller. Ages 9 - 14


ISBN: 9781857924879
Producer: Christian Focus Publications
Product Code: 107156
Dimensions: 110 x 178 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 20.09.2004

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