Cover To Cover Bible Study: God's Rescue Plan
Cover To Cover Bible Study: God's Rescue Plan

Cover To Cover Bible Study: God's Rescue Plan

Finding God's fingerprints on human history


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Appreciating the extent and intricacy of God's rescue plan for fallen humanity will be one of the most amazing aspects of heaven. This side of eternity, the Bible gives us glimpses of God's plan as it has unfolded through history. This study gives an overview of Scripture, looking at some of the key themes and making them relevant to us today. You will learn that all the consequences of the fall, such as separation from God, insecurity and 'aloneness' are met and overcome in the Hero of the story - our saviour, Jesus Christ.


ISBN: 9781853452949
Producer: Waverley Abbey Publishing
Product Code: 503921
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 14.03.2004

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