Baby Jesus Visits the Temple (Arch Books)
Baby Jesus Visits the Temple (Arch Books)

Baby Jesus Visits the Temple (Arch Books)


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The most popular children's Bible story series in the world! Generations of Christian children have learned the Bible through the lively poems and colourful illustrations of Arch Books. Parents trust these colourful books to teach their children Bible stories from Genesis through Acts in a fun, memorable way.

The Arch Books series of 100 titles is conveniently divided into 8 sections that include related stories for an organized journey through the Bible.


ISBN: 9780570075752
Producer: Concordia Publishing House
Product Code: 511560
UPC: 591544
Dimensions: 6 x 8 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 16
Release Date: 22.08.2015

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