3 Minute Prayers for Carers
3 Minute Prayers for Carers

3 Minute Prayers for Carers


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These prayers offer an honest and thought-provoking insight into the ups and downs of caring for a spouse or family member on a daily basis.Covering a range of topics including hospital visits, sleepless nights, identity crises, counting your blessings and snatching a few moments of peace whilst getting tyres changed, if you are a carer you will find something that resonates with you amongst this collection.Each prayer has an accompanying Bible verse, reminding you that whatever the day holds, however much of a struggle life might currently seem, God is always there, walking your path with you, through the pain and tears, offering hope and strength.


ISBN: 9781838580575
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 10070972
UPC: 1501647
Dimensions: 105 x 148 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 19.03.2020


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