Review of the book 'Extraordinary Hearing' by Greg Pruett

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Review of the book 'Extraordinary Hearing' by Greg Pruett

A review by Lydia Jenkins

When you hear about someone like Greg Pruett, you tend to stand back in awe. As the president of Pioneer Bible Translators, Greg and his wife, Rebecca, lived in West Africa to complete a translation of the entire Bible into the Yalunka language and communicate with the Muslim community. Well, in this practical book, you see how it’s all God’s doing. He begins with the story of when he first heard God. ‘One moment I lifted up a concern to the Lord,’ he explains, ‘and the next I heard in my mind urgent words not of my own design: “While you still can!”’ From that moment, those four words defined his life.

The premise of the introductory section, and indeed the entire book, is the question, what if we can hear God? What difference would that make for our lives? I think most of us would respond with something akin to, ‘It would make a momentous difference.’

In today’s world, we are surrounded by more information than ever. As the tides change and new ideas emerge and take dominance, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Christians to discern God’s will for their lives. This is why I believe Greg’s book is both relevant and timely. We need to be pressing into that still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12) and to be obedient to God’s calling. But then comes the inevitable question, how on earth do we do that? And how do we know it’s him speaking?

Helpfully, the author clarifies what he means by hearing: ‘I don’t mean hearing an audible voice. I wouldn’t need to write a book about hearing that. You would just listen. Instead, I mean receiving a message from Him as a thought in the mind.’

Gregg first explores how God speaks in the Bible and how God’s people did or didn’t listen. The second section then discusses learning to walk with God. While I won’t claim that Extraordinary Hearing offers a complete solution, as hearing from God is personal and requires an individual’s commitment, the book could be seen as a spiritual MOT on our foundation and whether it’s fit for purpose to hear from God and discern whether it’s him speaking.

The author presents this foundation with the acronym: PROACTIVE. He explains, ‘I based the memory device PROACTIVE on the acronym ACTS first used in the 1800s. I revised and expanded ACTS to ACTIVE in my first book, Extreme Prayer. All but one of the letters in ACTIVE is based on the prayer Jesus taught His followers in Matthew 6:9-13.’

With personal anecdotes and biblical insight, he explores each of these areas in detail and their importance for our foundation. For me, the most helpful aspects of these chapters were the discussion questions provided at their end. Not only do they offer the chance for group participation, but the questions force you to examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5-7) and truly press into seeing the cracks in your faith. Once aware of them, we can earnestly seek God, who can strengthen our understanding of him, his goodness and his purpose for our lives.

Greg also doesn’t shy away from subjects that aren’t widely discussed, such as the way demonic forces play havoc with our ability to discern and hear from God. As he says, ‘What demonic attacks are you needlessly tolerating? Why let them turn temptations into addiction, conflict into bitter fights, or sickness into death? Instead, “take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11) and run them off in Jesus’ name. Imagine what your life can be like when they are gone. How much more clearly might you hear from God without them?’

I would recommend this book that is packed with personal stories, biblical references, honest moments and relatable experiences. To those who want to hear God and discern which voices they are listening to, this book is a chance to gain greater spiritual clarity as long as it’s given the right time and attention.


By the same author...

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