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What motivated you to write this book?

I wrote this book because I want to encourage and inspire people to pray. People often tell me that they don’t know where to start when it comes to prayer, or that their praying is rather dull. I want this book to open up new prayer possibilities for all sorts of people.

How is A-Z of Prayer different to other books on the subject?

There are lots of good books on prayer, but few that are simple, with short chapters, like this A-Z of Prayer. This book covers lots of different types of prayer in a few pages, and so it’s fairly unique. It also includes a section for prayer and action at the end of each chapter, to encourage readers to put into practice what they’ve been discovering. Finally each chapter recommends a book on each topic for those who want to go further.

Why are you so passionate about prayer?

I’ve learned that nothing of lasting significance happens without prayer. This is what we find as we read the Bible. It’s what I’ve found in my own life. And it’s what the churches I’ve served have also discovered too as we’ve wrestled in prayer and seen some wonderful answers to prayer.

Many Christians struggle with prayer – why do you think that is?

There are lots of reasons why prayer might be difficult. For some, the idea of talking with someone who they can’t see just feels a bit strange! It often takes time and practice to learn to pray naturally. Others get stuck in a rut, not realising that there are lots of fresh ways to pray. Also, when we’re struggling, we often don’t feel like praying, even though it’s one of the things that will help us the most! Don’t forget too that prayer is the last thing that Satan wants us to do and so he’ll do his utmost to keep us from praying. That’s why we need to encourage each other to simply pray.

If you had to give one key bit of advice on how to pray what would it be?

I know it sounds very simple but my advice is this: just start! Make a start. Open your mouth and talk to God, using your everyday language. 

The book’s subtitle talks about daily conversations with God – why did you choose that particular phrase?

Because that’s what I think prayer is! It’s talking with God - speaking with him and listening to him. And it’s something we’re called to do every day because God is present and close in Jesus Christ.

Is this book just for new believers?

It’s for anyone, actually. In fact I’m hoping people who aren’t yet followers of Jesus might pick it up and be inspired to talk with God and find that he is real and present. But I did have new believers particularly in mind when I wrote the book. That’s why it doesn’t assume any prior knowledge about God or faith or church. I’m also hoping that the book will prove helpful to those who’ve been following Jesus for a while but who want a short and simple book to help refresh their prayer life.

The book is arranged in A-Z topics - was it easy to decide what to use for each letter – or were there any particular challenges with this approach?

Many of the letters were obvious to choose - like C for Confession, I for Intercession and F for Fasting. There were also several possibilities for quite a few letters - like L is for Liturgy could have been L is for Lament. Instead lament is covered in S is for Sad. I think I’ve covered most of the main topics across the twenty six chapters. Occasionally I’ve had to be a bit creative - like X for eXamen! Z was not straightforward until my sixteen year old son Isaac suggested I end with talking about what the prayerless life would be like by using the phrase ‘zero prayer.’ When he said it, I immediately loved his idea, so now Z is for Zero.

Do you have a particular style/method of prayer that you find particularly helpful yourself?

Thank you prayers tend to be my default way of praying. Sometimes when I’m awake in the night, I find myself, even for just a few minutes, thanking God for all kinds of things. A number of years ago when I was a Vicar in Sheffield, there was a stage when I worked too hard and got rather worn out. I was pleased to have a timely period of sabbatical leave which was just what I needed. When I started the sabbatical I found it hard to pray - except for thank you prayers. Looking back now, I find that fascinating. It seems that thanksgiving was and is basic to my relationship with God. When I was tired that was all I had left. But it was out of that place of gratitude that God’s Spirit began to build me up again, renewing my relationship with Christ and refreshing my prayer-life.

How do you think life will be different after reading A-Z of Prayer?

I hope that many find that they’re praying more openly, naturally and confidently, and as result praying more often. Prayer is how we get to know God, and so I’m praying that readers will find that Christ is more real, active and involved in their daily lives. Most importantly I hope that those who put into practice A-Z of Prayer will see their prayers making an impact beyond themselves and out into society. After all, that’s what praying for God’s kingdom to come here on earth is all about.


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