Meet the writer: Tricia Goyer (Author Interview)

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Meet the writer: Tricia Goyer (Author Interview)

What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve been a homeschooling mum for many years, and one of my favourite things is reading about historical heroes. Through the years I was amazed by how many historical stories involved prayer. For example, did you know that three days before Christopher Columbus found land his crew revolted and wanted to turn around? Columbus prayed about it and felt impressed to ask for three more days. And it was on the third day that they found land. I started collecting these stories, and soon I knew it had to be a book! Yet I not only wanted to share these historical stories, but my goal also became to teach children how to pray themselves. That excites me!

Of the 25 people featured, did any surprise you?

The one that surprised me most was Mother Teresa. We’ve read so much about her, but I was surprised that she’d felt her calling to care for the poor at such a young age. She was only a young girl when she listened to missionary letters in Bible class and felt a call to serve with her own life. When children learn about prayer and serving God it can change everything. There was another surprise, too, and that was Corrie ten Boom. The Hiding Place is one of my favorite books, but until I started researching more I had no idea that her family had been praying for the Jewish people for one hundred years. The prayers of generations influenced Corrie’s actions and faith during one of the hardest times in history. I love that!

How do you see this inspiring readers to pray?

I hope readers will be more active to pray in their own lives. I hope they also see that God desires to do more than they dare hope or imagine. God chooses ordinary people to do His greatest work on earth. This should inspire us all!

What have you learned about prayer as you wrote this book?

As I wrote I realised that when we pray it’s not just about things changed but it’s also about us changing. Every time we pray we are humbling ourselves before God, and we’re different because of that.

Book Description

One prayer can change everything, says author Tricia Goyer.
In this book, she explores the stories of twenty-five notable people, including Martin Luther, Sojourner Truth, Helen Keller and St. Patrick, demonstrating how prayer shaped their lives and transformed history.
These exciting heroes from the past and the amazing things they did to change the world may be well known, but we are probably less familiar with the role that prayer played in their lives. None of them would have been able to accomplish what they did without prayer.
Following each historical example is a biblical story which relates to that person’s life and actions, as well as ways you can use the power of prayer in your own life. God hasn’t finished changing the world yet, and he would love to use you to make history.


Take Note Magazine

Take Note Magazine is a CLC Bookshops publication bringing together the latest Christian Resources under one roof all at the best prices.

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