Interview with Nigel Adams, author of 'Communities of Hope'

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Interview with Nigel Adams, author of 'Communities of Hope'


Nigel Adams is the founder of Hope Nottingham, a Christian mission charity which has brought good news to thousands of people across Nottingham for over 10 years. Nigel also coordinates Christian Action Nottingham, a network of social action ministries across the city.


Nigel, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’ve been married to Sandra for nearly 35 years. We have 2 adult daughters, the younger of the two got married last year. I love cooking (and eating!) and very much enjoy walking and cycling.

I worked as a structural engineer for 16 years, eventually becoming a company director. I then took a 50% pay cut to work for my local church as an evangelist. After 6 years I took a leap of faith to set up Hope Nottingham.

Why did you decide to write Communities of Hope?

The story of Hope Nottingham, especially that of the Christ-centred community at Hope House, has been life changing for many people, including me. I have discovered a wonderful way of growing a very blessed community where many people find hope in Jesus, learn to live as his people together and help lift many people out of poverty. I think there is huge potential for many churches to do something similar, bringing the living hope of Jesus to hundreds, if not thousands, of people throughout the UK.

Who have you written this book for?

It’s for anyone who wants to be encouraged by the work of God through very ordinary people. It is especially for anyone interested in or leading Christ-centred compassion ministry or social action.

Lots of churches get involved in social action. What makes your experience different?

Our work has developed way beyond serving people in need. A new kind of community has emerged. Jesus is at the centre and everyone involved, “rich” or “poor”, are learning to bless and serve one another and many are coming to faith in him.

Can you share one story of how this community of hope has changed lives?

One of our lovely volunteers, who had been involved for several months, said that although she’s not religious the prayer time we have is the best time of the day. She now shares her love of God and of this community so freely every day with many people she serves. She describes how her daughter has changed so much because of her involvement in Hope House. She had been so aimless but is now full of life, she has immersed herself in reading the Bible and tells all her family about Jesus, encouraging them to pray and have faith. The whole family have been changed and turned towards Jesus.

What one bit of advice would you give to a church who wants to move their social action projects forward into a community of hope?

Start every day/every session with prayer and let the people you serve come in and join you.

What was the most challenging element of writing this book?

It has been, at times, a very tough journey, one that involves so many people and complex relationships. I wanted to convey the difficulties but not criticise or complain. So often God has used very difficult circumstances to do great things.

And what was the most rewarding element of writing this book?

Reliving some of the wonderful things I’ve seen God do and the lives changed -seeing how far God has brought us.

Have you learnt anything new about your own personal journey with God while writing this book?

That no matter whether I succeed or fail – I am a child of God who loves me eternally.

What do you hope readers will most get out of reading this book?

Hope! And encouragement to unite with others to go and create their own community of hope.

In one sentence, how would you describe Communities of Hope?

A story of God’s people coming together to love God by loving their neighbours, who then join in and become a new blessed community – a microcosm of God’s big Kingdom.

Is there anything we can pray for you?

I believe that God wants me to encourage and equip people all over the UK (and maybe further afield) to create and grow communities of hope. I am at the early stages of working with others to develop a national network, enabling similar ministries to learn and pray together. It’s very exciting and quite daunting. Pray that we follow where God leads and then doors are flung open wide.

Authentic Media

Authentic Media is a UK Christian publishing house committed to delivering quality Christian books, music and film to help people on their journey of faith. They are based in Milton Keynes.

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