Engaging Jesus With Our Senses
Engaging Jesus With Our Senses

Engaging Jesus With Our Senses

An Embodied Approach to the Gospels


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Jesus took on flesh--he was embodied. And the Gospels use multisensory language to reveal that his teaching, ministry, and interactions with people engaged the senses. Consider the raging storm on the Sea of Galilee, the perfume filling the house as Mary anointed Jesus's feet, the significance of touch as Jesus healed people. Jesus even described himself in sensory terms--as the bread of life, the light of the world, the vine to whom his disciples are connected. Our physical senses are crucial to gaining knowledge of the world around us. Yet when it comes to Bible reading, we often reduce it to a mere cognitive experience, ignoring the Psalmist's invitation to "taste and see that the Lord is good."


ISBN: 9781540966728
Producer: Baker Book House
Product Code: 10103717
Dimensions: 140 x 13 x 216 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 12.11.2024

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