The Babylon Trilogy – Terror in the City follows two brothers, Yakov and Zeke, who live in Jerusalem in the days of Daniel and Jeremiah. Yakov is taken into Babylon, along with Daniel, to work in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. He is caught up in the amazing events recorded in the Bible, including how Daniel is able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams.
Meanwhile, his younger brother, Zeke, remains in Jerusalem with his sister and her family. He hears Jeremiah trying to warn the people of the coming invasion. Book One ends with King Jehoiachin being taken prisoner. At the same time, Zeke is among a further group of exiles sent to Babylon. Will he survive the arduous journey and find Yakov alive and well? Will the brothers’ faith in the true God stand firm or falter in the face of such serious trials?
Although the brothers and their families are fictional, Babylon’s invasion of Judah and the experiences of the prophets, Jeremiah and Daniel, are most certainly not and their stories can be found in the books of the Bible bearing their name.