Surviving the Reign of Terror

Surviving the Reign of Terror


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Imagine you were living in a country where a tyrant leader suddenly took control in a military coup and started to terrorize the population, leading to the torture and murder of many innocent citizens.

This story is written from the point of view of a young, East African Asian girl, Indira, who experiences the reign of terror that Idi Amin carried out in Uganda in the 1970s.

She and her family are terrorized, along with many other ethnic minorities, during this time and are forced to leave their home and all that they know behind. It is also a story of how she, and her three young school friends, all from different cultures, manage to keep their tight bond, throughout all the trauma they endure and over the many years they are separated.

Indira and her family come to know the Lord Jesus, through the witness of these very special friends, and the Lord helps and protects them all through their various trials.


ISBN: 9781846257957
Producer: DayOne Publications
Product Code: 10103059
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 128
Release Date: 01.10.2024

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