The origin of the universe and life on Planet Earth has fascinated humanity for thousands of years. The incredible detail, beauty and order, and how everything works, is mind-blowing even to a casual observer of everything around them. But where did it all come from—and when, and how?
Early in the nineteenth century many began to study the subject in depth and they came up with ideas that slowly crystallised into a theory known as ‘evolution’—that everything happened slowly from small beginnings to the complex universe that we know today. Since those early days, many scientists have concluded that we now know for certain what was once suggested as ideas. ‘Evolution’ is assumed to be a fact that no one can question. But is it all as simple as that? Do the many ideas behind evolution always fit the known facts that science reveals of the world and universe around us? Is there an alternative, and if so, why is it not openly discussed?
This little booklet sets out some thought provoking challenges to what many assume is unquestionably true.