Kingdom Man Bible Study Book with Video Access guides men through the group sessions, personal study segments, and daily devotionals. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.
This study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.
Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care.
This men's Bible study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities, along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.
● Six small group sessions
● Six teaching videos and session previews featuring author Tony Evans—access included with purchase of Bible Study Book
● Individual study five days a week, including content to read and learning activities to help men