Pregnancy and Birth

Pregnancy and Birth

Critical Theological Conceptions


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Pregnancy is a period of time that institutes great change in the lives of those who are pregnant. Regardless of whether a pregnancy concludes with the birth of a live child or not, there are experiences that are common for many people who are pregnant. Yet as a site of theological reflection pregnancy is underrepresented. This landmark book seeks to begin the conversation within theology about pregnancy, the positive and negative experiences, and the potential for pregnancy to be understood theologically. Chapters consider a number of avenues in this exploration, from early pregnancy loss to trauma in labour, from adoption to the end of reproductive years at the onset of menopause. Throughout, this book seeks to understand the resources that theology brings to the experiences of pregnancy as well as the situations of oppression and underrepresentation that currently exist. Allowing for intersections of race, parenting, childlessness, and disability, this book approaches pregnancy from different theological perspectives in order to complexify the theological response and engagement as well as produce constructive resources for both the academy and the church. Contributors include Chine McDonald, Julie Gittoes, Margaret Kamitsuka and Rachel Mann.


ISBN: 9780334065388
Producer: Scm Press
Product Code: 10099345
Dimensions: 135 x 216 mm
Product type: Paperback
Release Date: 30.08.2024

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