Shaman and Sage
Shaman and Sage

Shaman and Sage

The Roots of “Spiritual but Not Religious” in Antiquity

Hard Cover

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In the first volume of his magisterial intellectual history, Michael Horton locates the roots of the contemporary “spiritual but not religious” movement in pre-Socratic antecedents of Platonism. Horton makes the case that the Orphic shaman represented a “divine self” that seeks to break free from physicality and become one with a panentheistic unity. Belief in divinity hiding in nature arose as an alternative to monotheism periodically throughout Western history. Horton’s sweeping three-volume set will be the authoritative work students and scholars consult to understand the “spiritual but not religious” tendency as a recurring theme in Western culture from antiquity to the present. 


ISBN: 9780802877116
Producer: Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Product Code: 10098620
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Product type: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 540
Release Date: 28.07.2024

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