As Christians we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves. But we can't stop wondering if we showed welcome to the world, would it change our culture? Would it make us
less safe? Would it be a drain on our taxes and local communities? Whether we realize it or not, our fears have
trumped our faith. We fear those who seek a new life in our midst.
So does the Bible have anything to say about immigration? Or
is it just a political issue? Is it a pro
-life issue? Where does this
all fit in my faith and worldview?
You have questions. You have fears. But you also have
So, let's start there.
Let's have the conversation you've always wanted to have
about immigration. Let's ask hard questions and detangle
from the easy talking points that still leave us curious about
our calling. Let's attach confidence to your compassion.
Get ready to dive into the whole of scripture to better
understand what God calls us to do concerning immigrants
and refugees. It's a journey, and I'm here to take it with you.