Encouraging Words For Graduates - Booklet
Encouraging Words For Graduates - Booklet

Encouraging Words For Graduates - Booklet


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A graduation is a great time for students to celebrate past achievements and look forward to the future. The days ahead will be exciting, but they also may bring some questions and uncertainty. Encouraging Words for Graduates offers support and the opportunity for graduates to grow in their walk with God as they discover the plans He has for them. This 48-page booklet features short, inspirational, devotional thoughts with accompanying scriptures taken from ESV, KJV, TLB, MSG, NIV, NLT, NLV, and VOICE versions of the Bible.


ISBN: 9781684345199
Producer: Warner Press
Product Code: 10098084
Product type: Booklet
Number of pages: 48
Release Date: 01.02.2024


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