To Change All Worlds
To Change All Worlds

To Change All Worlds

Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse

Hard Cover

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Critical theory has many faces; its complexities and nuances present a challenge to those seeking to engage with its thought. In order to understand critical theory today, we must first understand its origins, its development, and its consequences. To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse by Carl R. Trueman is an accessible introduction to the history and development of critical theory. From Hegel and Marx, to Korsch and Luka?cs, to the Frankfurt School, to Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse—Trueman focuses on the key figures of critical theory, positioning them within their historical context and tracing the development of critical theory through its various movements, evolutions, nuances, and consequences.


ISBN: 9781087754390
Producer: B&H Publishing Group
Product Code: 10097547
Dimensions: 152 x 16 x 229 mm
Product type: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 256
Release Date: 15.10.2024

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