P is for Pilgrim
P is for Pilgrim

P is for Pilgrim

The Christian Faith - A Journey From A to Z

Hard Cover

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As you explore the Christian faith, you will soon encounter some challenging words: Trinity, Sacrament, Reconciliation, Sin, Incarnation, even the word ‘Christ’ itself. It isn’t Jesus’s surname! It is a title with a meaning and history.

Sooner, or later, these words, and the ideas behind them, must be addressed and understood. It is simply not possible to be a Christian, without understanding sin and forgiveness, knowing what a sacrament is, or accepting Jesus as the Christ.

This book is here to help. It explores and explains most of the key concepts and ideas that underpin the Christian faith.

I had assumed that someone else had already written a book like this. It seemed such an obvious thing to do. But while I could find weighty tomes on the topics explored here, I couldn’t find a book which covered all these things in ways that were accessible, comprehensive and friendly: a simple book about complex things, one which just about anyone could read and find helpful.

So, I wrote one.


ISBN: 9781399805278
Producer: Hodder & Stoughton
Product Code: 10089352
Product type: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 64
Release Date: 15.02.2024

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