Chosen, The: I Have Called You By Name
Chosen, The: I Have Called You By Name

Chosen, The: I Have Called You By Name

Revised and Expanded Edition


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What was it like to encounter Jesus face-to-face? How would he have made you feel, changed your way of thinking about God? Would he have turned your world upside down? Journey to Galilee in the first century.

See the difference he made in the lives of those he called to follow him and how they were forever transformed. Experience the life and power of the perfect Son of God as never before—through the eyes of everyday people just like you.


• The official and only novelization of the immensely popular TV series, which has been seen in every country in the world, with over 55 million views.

• The latest fiction from Jerry Jenkins, perhaps the bestselling Christian novelist of recent times


ISBN: 9781646070879
Producer: Broadstreet Publishing
Product Code: 10087809
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Product type: Paperback
Number of pages: 384
Release Date: 11.11.2022

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