Celebrate what brings you joy by journaling for just three minutes a day, creating a three-year record of moments worth remembering.
The best way to find joy is simply to look for it every day. Maybe you'll experience it in the tickle of a kitten's whiskers against your face, the gentle quiet of the season's first snowfall, the luxury of a few minutes all to yourself, or the sound of heartfelt laughter with friends. Even on days where nothing seems to go right, something around you can brighten your mood and change your outlook if you just spend a few minutes focusing on it. And if you spread that joy to others, their day will be brightened alongside yours.
With this in mind, allow The 3-Minute Journal of Joy to be your guide as you record moments of blessing and cultivate an overall posture of joy.
At the end of the year, you will have a beautiful record of joy-filled moments. Once you finish going through it once, you can go back through it for two more years, noting present joys as you are reminded of past ones. Feel free to start the journal at any time of year, and remember there's no pressure if you miss a day or two. As you “stack” joy on top of joy, your practice of recognizing the blessings of each day will develop into a habit and eventually an attitude of joy that you can carry with you for years to come.