16 Great Hymns and Songs of Inspiration CD
16 Great Hymns and Songs of Inspiration CD

16 Great Hymns and Songs of Inspiration CD


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This three CD set from Daywind Music combines previous releases in the 16 Great... series in to one budget-friendly package! Forty-eight songs total.

Disc 1: 16 Great Hymns

1. Where Could I Go, But To The Lord
2. He Looked Beyond My Fault
3. Sweet Beulah Land
4. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
5. In The Garden
6. It Is Well With My Soul
7. Blood Will Never Lose It’s Power
8. Holy, Holy, Holy
9. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
10. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
11. Rock Of Ages
12. There Is A Fountain
13. ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
14. What A Day That Will Be
15. I’d Rather Have Jesus
16. The Solid Rock

Disc 2: 16 Great Inspirational Favourites

1. Bridge Over Troubled Water
2. God On The Mountain
3. He Will Carry You
4. How Great Thou Art
5. How You Live
6. Lean On Me
7. Midnight Cry
8. My Life Is In Your Hands
9. Orphans Of God
10. Over Ans Over
11. This Is Your Time
12.Through It All
13. Through The Fire
14. A Way Through
15. We Will Stand
16. You’ve Got A Friend

Disc 3: 16 Great Inspirational Classics

1. Friend Of God
2. One Day At A Time
3. Say The Name
4. The Power Of A Moment
5. Bigger Than Any Mountain
6. For Such A Time As This
7. Standing On The Promises
8. Rise Again
9. Friends
10. Another Soldier’s Coming Home
11. Prodigal’s Dad
12. Shine All Your Light
13. Safe Thus Far
14. Touch Of The Master’s Hand
15. There Stood A Lamb 16. Redeemer


ISBN: 614187176122
Producer: New Day Distributors
Product Code: 10052588
Product type: CD-Audio
Release Date: 08.05.2018

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